HTTP POST request with form UrlEncoded Data in PowerAutomate
In this blog, let’s see how to invoke HTTP request from Power Automate as Form UrlEncoded with parameters.

Create manual trigger flow for learning purpose.
In this use case, we are going to see how to invoke the Azure Databricks API to get the Access Bearer Token.
- Authentication API —<TenantID>/oauth2/token
Replace Tenant ID with your organization tenant id value. To get the Tenant ID, please login in Azure Portal and navigate to Azure Directory. - Content Type : application/x-www-form-urlencoded
(This is bit tricky in Power Automate to invoke any API). - Parameters :
client_id = xxxxxx
resource = 2ff814a6–3304–4ab8–85cb-cd0e6f879c1d (This resource GUID is standard for DataBricks provided by Microsoft)
client_secret = xxxxx
To get the client_id and client_secret, please check this article
Now, let’s see how to invoke the above API to get the Access Bearer Token
Go to and create New Flow > Instant Flow (demo)

Add HTTP Action (Premium)

The purpose of this blog is to see how to pass the parameters in body if Content-Type is “application/x-www.form-urlencoded” in PowerAutomate.
In Body, we have to Concate the parameters by using concate() function in expression.

After Successful run, flow looks like this.

Finally, click Test Run. HTTP response will be returned with Access Bearer Token.
HTTP response will be return in JSON format. “access_token” is bearer token.
With this Bearer token, we can invoke any Data Bricks API.
Hope this article will help.
Happy Learning.